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Organised Exploitation is Out of the Shadows

Hi warriors for children

I hope you are all wonderful

These are times of such incredible change that we are living through. While it’s so important that the truth is disclosed, learning about the extent of corruption and evil in our world can be both shocking and triggering. Especially for survivors and those who have first hand experience. It is so very important to take the precious time for you to recharge and restore, only then are we able to shine our much needed light.

Every day there is growing public awareness of the highly organised, international operations that target and exploit our children. The media and government portray and would like us to think these are isolated incidents which is not the case. It is only through understanding the whole entirety of this systematic war on our children that real change and solutions will be created. The horrific enterprise of child trafficking spans countries over our world and operates at the highest levels of power in the very systems, intelligence and governments that the public believe protect children. These operations are only able to continue through public ignorance and operate in the shadows. Truth and exposure are the way we ensure this is never able to happen again. I am so very grateful to our brave survivors speaking out. It is their truth and lived experience that is inspiring growing awareness and comprehension. We to can be a part of raising much needed awareness every time we take action and speak out. Our children need us. Without us they have no voice.

Recently I caught up with beautiful warriors Jane, Belle and Sophia on The Echo Chamber to talk about satanic ritual abuse and child trafficking. This is a good overview of the highly organised and systematic exploitation of our children. A good video to share with the people around you learning about child trafficking or indeed any of the corruption in our world.

May the truth set us free

Especially our children

Click the picture above or here for an overview of this highly organised systemic exploitation.

#itstime for truth justice and freedom for our children

Much love




Dec 04, 2021

victims of crime are there but not if you have been assaulted by the police


Dec 03, 2021

This is why I am Fighting. For the Children!!!

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